Your IT department has it’s hands full managing a multitude of tasks, so it’s important to prioritize what tasks your internal team MUST accomplish and look at tasks that take up more time than they’re worth. Those are the tasks you’ll want to outsource. Instead of having your IT department handle administrative tasks like sourcing internet for a new jobsite or dropping everything to deal with outages, hire someone to manage that for you.


4 ways Managed Services improve your IT department:


1. Freedom

Your business has a plethora of higher-level tasks an IT team should be working on, but instead, you end up focusing on the administrative tasks to keep tech operating properly.

Put network monitoring, security, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrades, and the implementation of new tech in the hands of your third-party provider so your team can focus on tackling the projects that will improve efficiency and boost ROI.


2. Expert Recommendations

It can be difficult to justify certain technological expenses. Help higher-ups understand how tech aligns with company objectives by utilizing a team of experts who can back up your recommendations. Referencing what other companies in the industry are doing can be helpful in getting key decision-makers to hop on board.

The importance of investing in technology can get lost when looking at the monetary cost. That’s why it’s crucial to have a team that can make those benefits tangible and provide ROI insights.


3. Expert Knowledge

Many of the issues that come up in IT aren’t necessarily difficult to resolve, but every now and then, something comes along that takes a bit more heavy lifting. Having a MISP allows your IT to continue current efforts while a team of experts elsewhere can put their heads together to troubleshoot, test, and resolve.

It will likely take your outsourced team less time to resolve more complex issues thanks to combined knowledge from several field experts. This reduces downtime which is the most critical thing in construction. Time = money, after all.


4. Stay on Schedule

Time is of the essence for any construction company, whether it’s on the jobsite or in the home office. Wasting time to inefficiencies can be costly. A MISP knows how to boost your uptime to get the most out of your tech.

The better things work, the more efficient your team can be. Efficiency leads to productivity. And what company doesn’t want that?


We all need a boost. Level up your IT team with off-site network service experts. Contact us to chat!



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